Wednesday, October 14, 2015

#myJordanJourney: read all about it!

I'm going to Jordan (yes, as in the country of Jordan)--and I'm leaving tomorrow!

I'll be traveling for the next ten days as part of the Catholic Bloggers Press Tour of Jordan, a trip sponsored by the Jordan Tourism Board of North America, with the assistance of faith-based organizations CNEWA, an agency of the Holy See, and the Jordanian Interfaith Coexistence Research Center (JICRC).

Even in the midst of last minute packing, I am already thrilled by the opportunity to go to a country that has always intrigued me--the "other Holy Land." And for the past two days, I have also felt more than a little anxious about actually committing to doing this!

No, I'm honestly not worried about safety or concerned about political or religious issues. This is not my first journey to that part of the world.

I recognize that the anxiousness I'm feeling is more about stepping out of my comfort zone and simply not knowing what to expect. And as I was reminded by my wise writer friend Marge Fenelon (who participated in a similar religious tour to Jordan earlier this year), I believe some of what I'm feeling is the stirring of a mother's heart who finds it difficult to step away from family and their needs.

So... with eagerness and a willing heart, I am going... and I will choose to let myself feel excited! I wonder what graces God has waiting for me in this pilgrimage?

I will be writing frequently about #myJordanJourney here on my blog--and I'll be posting regularly on my other social media outlets. Why don't you come and travel with me here:

Please pray for me and for our group of Catholic bloggers--and be assured that I'm taking you and your intentions with me on this intentional holy pilgrimage.

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"Living with the heart of a pilgrim requires that I allow my spirit to be birthed into my world. And it demands that I trust the map that God has created for the pilgrimage of my life.  My pilgrimage is not random or generic or communal, but personal and specific. I was birthed into this moment by a Creator whose vision for the world not only includes but requires me. 
I am an explicit part of his plan!"
~from my book, 

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