Thursday, February 27, 2014

Frozen Frames: a photo project on memories

“Memories are among the most powerful drugs; 
they manage to shake humans by bringing to light and reviving memories 
buried in some kind of hidden corner of the brain."

Memories and memoirs... something I've been pondering, or rather, something that's been simmering... somewhere in my heart and brain. 

So I've been fascinated by a project called "Frozen Frames" by photographer to Margherita Vitagliano. 

Here's the beginning of the story, as published recently in the Wall Street Journal:
Vitagliano works with her subjects to find a photo of them when they were young. “I relate the memories that the photos arouse in them, the music, smells, and flavors of those special moments, and when I [have them] close their eyes, it is they who are reliving that past. When I have them open them, it is as a spectator looking into their eyes that I can feel on my skin what they have heard with their eyes closed.”  
This passion for portraits and old photos had very personal origins. “The first photograph that meant something to me was of the hands of my grandmother holding an old photo. All of it happened one afternoon when I looked at old photographs in black and white, found in an attic in a box,” Vitagliano reminisces.

“I wish my pictures could talk, reveal emotions, convey friendship and memories of dreams never dormant, stories of the everyday, common to all and sundry as the beating of one heart, the common sentiment of every human being.” 

And here's a link to the rest of the story.

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